
Press & Features

Esmesha Campbell has been honorably highlighted on some of today’s hottest up-and-coming social sites as her brand continues to evolve and grow. Check out the links to her memorable features below:

  1) LL Photography’s “Women on the Move” Feature by: LeWebster Lacy (03/2017):


The overall premise of the “Women on the Move” project is to “highlight business women and entrepreneurs who motivate, inspire and dominate in their [respective] field”. Watch the full interview here!

2) The Curly Chicks Blog’s “Curls Stylin’ with Esmesha” by: Monica of Curly Chicks (7/25/2016):


“Hey Curly Chicks! Yasss, I’m super elated for our very first Curly Stylin’ feature, Esmesha Campbell. I’ll let her introduce herself…” See more of her feature here!

3) Compozition’s “CompoZer Spotlight: Esmesha Campbell” by: Unique James (3/24/15):


Ever pay any attention to the credits before some of the articles from your favorite sites? Trust me, the words don’t just magically appear on their own! Meet Esmesha Campbell, staff writer for Fashion Bomb Daily. Here she tells all on how she landed this great gig and gives us a peak into what the industry is like for a fashion writer.” See more of the article here!

4) Fashion Bomb Daily’s “And the Winners are… The Fashion Bomb Daily Internship Contest” by: Claire Sulmers (8/19/14):


‘So after over 1,000 votes and 67 comments, you’ve selected the winners of Fashion Bomb Daily’s Internship contest!
Intern #9, aka Esmesha was a fan favorite!’
She wrote, “My God is truly awesome! It is such an esteemed honor and a privilege to become a part of the Fashion Bomb Daily team. First off, I want to extend a huge congrats to all my fellow interns. Yes, we were competitors but I see you all as outstanding and innovative masterminds! I hope each of you enjoyed this experience as much as I did. To my wonderful family and the Fashion Bomb Readers, thank you! Your support and well-wishes were the motivation that sustained me throughout the competition and I am forever grateful.” See more of the post here!